Saturday, May 8, 2010

Capabilities Reach Up to 100% - Eurofighters in Sardinia at Their Best

08 May 2010 -- The Italian Air Force’s Eurofighter Typhoons demonstrated exceptional operational availability during a recent deployment for an Autonomous Air-Combat Manoeuvring Instrumentation campaign, to Decimomannu, Sardinia.

The 4th Stormo from Grosseto Air Base - with its IX Gruppo, 20° Gruppo (Operational Conversion Unit) and 904° GEA, Gruppo Efficienza Velivoli (Logistical Squadron) and the 36° Stormo from Gioia Del Colle AB, provided a total of 12 aircraft for the exercise, achieving excellent results during the deployment to the Sardinian base.

In two weeks of activity, 112 missions were completed out of the 114 planned, with an operational availability of 98.3%. This unique result has been made possible thanks to the optimised preparational capabilities of the technical staff of the 4th Stormo and by the attentive predisposition of the logistics department, which provided constant help and finalised the mission whenever any problem have occurred.

Moreover, the presence in Decimomannu of representatives of the whole Italian Eurofighter community helped improve the standardisation process between the Groups. In addition, the AACMI system allowed accurate debriefing which in turn helped the crew in analysing the tactics adopted and the results achieved in the two daily missions launched during the deployment.
The first week in Sardinia has been characterised by 10 Eurofighter Typhoons divided between "Blue Forces" (defence) and "Red Forces" (simulating possible threats). The second week, with 12 aircraft, was dedicated to the continuation of the training with the addition of Composite Air Operations Course, COMAO, missions in which German Air Force Tornadoesn were also included, in a scenario comprising of 16 aircraft, 12 of which were Eurofighters. During the second week, the Italian Eurofighters also carried out an "Open Sea" exercise, flying both escort missions and attack missions together with the Harriers and naval unit of the Italian Navy as well as with Italian Air Force MB.339 and Tornadoes.

Background information

Eurofighter Typhoon is the world's most advanced new generation real multi-role/swing-role combat aircraft available on the market and has been ordered by six nations (Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). With 707 aircraft under contract, it is Europe’s largest military collaborative programme and delivers leading-edge technology, strengthening Europe’s aerospace industry in the global competition. More than 100,000 jobs in 400 companies are secured by the programme. Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH manages the programme on behalf of the Eurofighter Partner Companies: Alenia Aeronautica/Finmeccanica, BAE Systems, EADS CASA and EADS Deutschland, Europe’s foremost aerospace companies with a total turnover of approx. €88 billion (2008).


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